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We are called, through our Baptism, to live in and by the Presence of Christ in Word and Sacrament. Through His call we live, gratefully, the life God has given us and proclaim the Good News through our word and deed.

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to follow our Masses.

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SUNDAY MASS: Saturday Vigil; 5.30pm    Sunday; 9.30am & 11.00am
   Sunday Readings: THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD: Year C
WEEKDAY MASS: Tuesday-Saturday: 10.00am
Weekday Readings:  Week 1 of Ordinary Time: Year 1
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Tuesday–Friday: 9.00-9.30am
PENANCE & RECONCILIATION: Saturday: 10.30am; 4.45-5.15pm, & on request.
Divine Office:  Week 1 of Ordinary Time  Psalms: Week 1
Baptism: Sunday after 11.00am Mass
Marriage: Please give at least 6 month’s notice of Marriage.


Next to the Easter Mystery, the Church holds most sacred the memory of Christ’s birth and early manifestations; his Baptism in the river Jordan and the declaration by his Father that he is his “Beloved Son”; the beginning of his public ministry at the Marriage Feast in Cana.


End of the Christmas Season.


The Ordinary Time of the Church’s Year is devoted to the unfolding of the Mystery of Christ in all its aspects.

Today’s Liturgy: “Baptism” literally means “immersion”. Before his ministry begins, Jesus immerses himself in water as a sign that he immerses himself in the will of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This is the only time in the Bible where the Trinity is manifested in ways that humans can recognise. The Father’s voice is heard, the Son is in human form, and the Spirit is visible as a dove. Here, among humans, is God, visible, audible and tangible.

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