St. Patrick's, Greenock, Scotland
Parish Priest: Very Rev G.J.Gallagher
Monday-Saturday: 10.00am.
As Monday is the Feast of St. Kentigern (Mungo) we will have Mass on Monday morning.
In the Hall today after 11.00am Mass soup, sandwiches and hot drinks free of charge to anyone who comes along. We need some volunteers to help, so if you would like to volunteer please contact Father Gerry.
The Rites of Christian Initiation of Adults mark the process by which we introduce adults to membership of the Church. The Rites culminate in the celebration of the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday Night (this year, Saturday 19th. April) when the Church celebrates the Resurrection of Christ from the dead.
Anyone who is thinking of becoming a catholic, or who would just like to find out more about what is involved in being a catholic, is asked to speak to Fr. Gerry as soon as possible. Any preparation will begin very soon.
For children in P4-7 NEXT Sunday, 19th. January, 2.00-5.00pm at Holy Family Parish, Port Glasgow. The theme is The Luminous Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. The day will include Holy Mass. A light dinner will be provided. Registration is necessary:
E-mail Fr Ryan for more info:
For the right to an education
Let us pray for migrants, refugees, and those affected by war, that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a better world, might always be respected.
For last week’s Offertory Collection which raised £1,159.73 and for the collection for Justice & Peace which raised £632.38
THIS WEEKEND Door Collection in support of the St. Margaret Adoption Society. Thank you for the £283.46 already given at the Crib.
St. Margaret’s does fantastic work in placing children for adoption and is well deserving of our support, please give any help you can.
NEXT WEEKEND: Special Collection for the Sick & Retired Priests of the Diocese.
2025 Church Art Calendars, Diaries and other seasonal gifts, with a selection of cards for other occasions, are available in the Parish Stall after Mass on Sunday and 10.30am Mass on Thursday.
The series of talks, 'Ascend the Mountain - 7 Deadly Sins and 7 Lively Virtues’ continues on Wednesday evening, 15th. January, at 7.00pm in the Diocesan Offices, Paisley. The theme is with ‘Wrath vs Mercy’ by Fr. Bernard Mournian. All aged 18-35 are welcome. For more information contact Fr. Joe McGill at
In addition to our 24/7 emergency chaplain cover at IRH, we also have a catholic chaplaincy team who are happy to visit patients in the hospital for non-emergency visits. Please let Fr. Gerry know that you or your relative would like a visit from a catholic chaplain.
Pregnancy testing and counselling done in confidence, Mondays and Thursdays 7.00-9.00pm. Tel. 743809
We pray for all who are ill or housebound: in particular, we remember:
George Bennett, Michael Fitzharris, Gina Robb, Isobel Diorio, Anne Faller, Nan Scullion, Lexi Kerr (baby), Amy Hunter, Linda Scott, Maureen Hanvey, Emma Sinclair, Maureen Houston, Anne Kane, Jessica Glover, Caroline McNeil, Joanne King.
We pray for all who have died recently, R.I.P.
Edward Orr,
Mary Rodgers,
Patrick Dougan,
Rosemarie McDougal,
Vera Lafferty.
We remember those whose anniversaries are at this time, R.I.P., especially:
​Rt. Rev. Philip Tartaglia,
4th. Bishop of Paisley.
Myra Wilson, Tony Quigg.
James & Rose Clark,
Gerald O’Rourke, Kathleen O’Rourke,
Agnes & Thomas Lyons,
Mary Cameron, Patrick Black,
Michael & Ina Farren,
Thomas Owens, Mary Owens,
Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.
May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
If you would like to go to Lourdes as a registered sick pilgrim with the 2025 Diocesan Pilgrimage, you are invited to a meeting on Sunday 26th January at 2.00pm in St Ninian’s, Gourock. The dates of the Pilgrimage are 28th June-3rd July 2025.
You can now book for the Pilgrimage via the Tangney Tours website.
If you have any questions, please contact Anne Louise, Pilgrimage Co-ordinator, on 01475 638132.
On Saturday 1st. March 2025 in Greenock Town Hall at 7.00pm. Tickets cost £40 (including 3 course meal). For tickets and further information please email
or phone 07950483042
Donations for the raffle/auction greatly appreciated.
1. There still seems to be some confusion around about the question of divorce and admission to Holy Communion. If you are divorced but have not re-married and you are not “living with someone”, then you are not barred from participating at Mass or Holy Communion. Indeed, the conditions for you to receive Holy Communion are the same as for everyone else; you must be in a state of grace and you must fast for one hour before receiving Holy Communion. People were told in the past that if they got divorced, they were “excommunicated” - this “information” was not correct.
If you have divorced and then remarried “outside the Church”, or if you are “living with someone”, then you are still very welcome to come to Mass but that may change your situation about admission to Holy Communion.
2. If at one time you “married outside the church” and your situation has since changed, (e.g. if your spouse, sadly, has died, or if that marriage has ended) and you have not re-married “outside the church” or started “living with someone” then you can be re-admitted to Holy Communion. The conditions for you to receive Communion are the same as for everyone else; you must be in a state of grace and you must fast for one hour before receiving Holy Communion.
3. If you are in any of these situations (or other marriage situations) and are not sure about how to proceed, please talk to one of our priests or deacons about it and they will be happy to help.
Protecting your Privacy
The privacy notice contained on our website is that of the Diocese of Paisley, St. Patrick’s is a Catholic parish of the Universal Church in the Diocese of Paisley, which is led by Bishop John Keenan, in communion with our Holy Father Pope Francis, in Greenock.
We want you to know that Diocese of Paisley respects the information we hold on you and that we take the security of your information very seriously.
New data protection rules, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), come into effect on May 2018. These regulation will give people greater control over how companies and organisations use their personal information.
We have updated our Privacy Notice in line with GDPR, which sets out information on how we hold and handle your data. It includes:
what kind of information we collect
how we use it
when we may need to share it
Many thanks for your understanding. You can read our full Privacy Notice at by clicking here or a hard copy can be requested from the Parish.